HTML Entity Encoder/Decoder

Convert special characters to HTML entities and vice versa. A useful tool for web developers and content creators.


0 characters



About HTML Entity Encoder/Decoder

HTML entities are special codes used to represent characters in HTML documents. This tool helps you convert between special characters and their HTML entity equivalents.

Character Named Entity Numeric Entity Description
<&lt;&#60;Less than
>&gt;&#62;Greater than
"&quot;&#34;Double quote
 &nbsp;&#160;Non-breaking space
®&reg;&#174;Registered trademark

HTML entities are essential in the following scenarios:

  • Reserved Characters: Characters like <, >, &, ", and ' have special meanings in HTML and need to be encoded when used as content.
  • Invisible Characters: For representing spaces, non-breaking spaces, and other whitespace that would otherwise be collapsed by HTML.
  • Special Symbols: For displaying symbols that aren't on standard keyboards, such as mathematical symbols, currency signs, and trademark symbols.
  • International Characters: For ensuring proper display of characters from various languages and character sets.
Your Privacy: All processing happens locally in your browser. Your text is never sent to any server.